
Monday, April 30, 2007

Club Hub

April 25, 2007

May 2 Kyle Shalafer /Artist Frank Raugh
May 8 Board Meeting
May 9 GSC Group
May 16 International Adoption

Loot Boot:
Phyllis Sharp, David Uribe and Carleton Turner went to the Kileen District meeting. She said they navigated well under stress. Richard Fatheree was reminded of when Yogi Berra was asked about a fork in the road. He said,"Take it." Suzann Madeley thanked everyone for the card we all signed. Bill Bednar remembered a story about Lady Astor. She told Churchill if she were married to him she would poision his morning coffee. He replied that if she was his wife, "He would drink it." Ben Ford reported that the 34 Youth Before Self group was being recognized on the floors of the House and Senate. Carolyn and Lawrence complimented Ben on his work on the 11th Street clean up. Fred White reported that his son in law was back in the US until they figured out what was causing his back pain.

David Uribe reported that May 3 the GSE team would be the morning program. He learned that our new district governor Barry Curlee emphasis would be on public relations. Sarah Wannarka received her blue badge. David thanked her for all her work on the fundraiser Dues are due by May 31 allowing time to report to RI an accurate roster. The RI theme this year is Rotary Share.

Speaker Highlights:
Tom Harrison Ethic Commissioner and Executive Director for County Retirees spoke to the club about character and then answered questions about ethics. Character is moral excellence and firmness. It is not inherited but developed. It is reflected by our behavior when no one is looking. It is evident in how we treat those who can do us no good or can’t fight back. He finished by reading the poem Man in the Glass. Thank you Phyllis for inviting the speaker.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Club Hub

April 18, 2007

April 21 Kileen District Workshop-Keep Austin Beautiful 11th Street Cleanup
April 25 Tom Harrison Ethic Commission
May 2 Kyle Shalafer /Artist Frank Raugh
May 8 Board Meeting
May 9 GSC Group
May 16 International Adoption

Loot Boot:
Karen Rima thinks we should send out a search party for our friend Mary Gordon. Tim Flynn said the play was great and everyone had a good time. Scott Jenkines gave a dollar because he was not wearing a badge. Jerry Conn said Mary Gordon was probably with Officer Smith walking the halls.

David Uribe reported the burgers were a hit and the club should continue this fundraiser. He suggested the club think about doing the event more than once a year. Karen reported that one third of the tickets were unsold. A final report will be presented to the club. Keep Austin Beautiful will be this Saturday April 21, 10:30. Kileen District meeting is also this Saturday. Meet on the east side of the Capitol, 6:30 am should you like to attend. Phyllis Sharp, Carleton Turner, Lawerence Taylor and David Uribe are attending. GSC group will be here May 9. Scott Jenkins has arranged for recognition from the House and Senatae floors. Carleton will escort the group to Mexican food lunch at El Azteca, Bob Bullock Museum and the State Cemetery.

Speaker Highlights:
Nick Dauster Legislative Liaison spent three years living and working in Mexico. Upon returning to the states he saw the world from different perspective. He worked with Senator Zaffarini on nursing home reform and increasing the statue of limitation for child abuse. Also upon returning from Mexico he felt sympathy for those who enter our country for the first time. He now works with legal immigrants from all over the world teaching English. Thank you Phyllis Sharp for inviting the speaker.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Club Hub

April 4, 2007

No morning meeting April 11, See you at Playhouse
April 10 Board Meeting
April 11 Playhouse fundraiser
April 18 No speaker
April 21 Kileen District Workshop
April 21 Keep Austin Beautiful 11th Street Cleanup

Loot Boot:
Camille Miller’s daughter is a Phi Beta Kappa. She is also pleased that the House passed Chips bill. Ben Ford related that the 11th Street clean up was moved to April 21 due to weather. Carleton Turner is grateful for the rain. Karen Rima said there are about 40 tickets left to sell for the fundraiser.

NO MEETING NEXT WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEE YOU AT THE FUNDRAISER. Sarah Wannarka’s blue badge is ready to be given to her. A card was passed for friends to sign for Suzann Madeley expressing our thoughts and prayers for her still born grandchild. Kileen distarict workshop will be April 21. CarletonTurner will be contacting us with details for a carpool.

Speaker Highlights:
John Brieden Commission of Veteran Affairs and passed Commander of the American Legion shared his thoughts on health care of returning wounded soldiers. Walter Reed gives excellent heath care, but with influx of wounded soldiers returning to the US there were limited beds. Old buildings that were marked for demolition were put back into use. With the closing of bases, came the closing of their hospitals. This put pressure on Walter Reed to keep vets housed. The VA has developed "centers of excellence" for a particular specialty like spine or mental health care. Battle field care has vastly improved since Viet Nam. So many interesting points were made followed by great discussion. Thank you Phyllis Sharp for inviting an interesting speaker.

Phyllis Sharp

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