
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Club Hub

September 20, 2006

September 27 Richard Halpin American Youth Works Charter School
September 30 Alzheimer Walk, 8:00 am, Austin High, Meet Feet and Eat
October 10 Board meeting
October 4
October 5 Ronald McDonald Meal, Suzann Madeley needs volunteers. October 7 Clean up 11th St. 9:00, Corner of San Jacento/11th, Contact Fred White. This is a Meet, Feet and Eat event.

Loot Boot:
Bob Hunter was impressed that Steve Murdock knew where Abilene was. Ben Ford reminded everyone that the 11th Street clean up was October 7. He let the club know that Patrick Reinhart’s father in law passed away. Camille Miller complimented Mary Gordon Spence for her article on Ann Richards in the American Statesman. Carlolyn Beynon felt that in about of weeks that Frank Beynon would be able to attend the meeting and receive his Paul Harris. She shared that Frank’s tumor has returned and he is in Hospice care. Suzann Madeley also complimented Mary Gordon Spence on her article. She needs volunteers to help her with the Ronald McDonald dinner the first Thursday in October. Our guest Don Conway from Minnesota was glad he could find our meeting place. Fred White encouraged and reminded everyone about the Memory Walk September 30.

Club Business:
David Uribe read the thank you note from Brenda and Jim Osbon for the flag flown over the Capitol the day of their visit. He officially welcomed Sarah Wannarka as a transferring member from Bastrop and gave her a red badge.

Speaker Steve Murdock the official State Demographer and Director of the State Data Center at The University of Texas explained the changes in rate and sources of the Texas population. Texas has one of the fastest growing populations in the United States with about 3.5 million a decade. Our numbers are critical because Texas represents the future composition of the United States. Should the state continue growth as it is now, the state will have an aging Anglo population with a large young Hispanic uneducated population. The average mean household income will be $6,000 less in real dollars. This stresses and strains the tax structure, services for health and education needs. He feels that the state has a widow of opportunity to plan for the future. In order to keep the state’s level of prosperity, the state must have an education population. Income is directly proportionate to education. Steve ended with a quote from George Bernand Shaw: "The mark of a truly educated man is to be moved deeply by statistics." For more information Texas Data Center Phone 210-458-6530, Fax 210-458-6540, Website txsdc.utsa.edu
Thank you Phyllis Sharp for bringing the club this speaker.


Thursday, September 14, 2006


September 13, 2006

September 20 Steve Murdock State Demogra;her
September 27 Richar Halpin American Youth Works
September 30 Memory Walk
October 4 Vocational Speaker
October 5 Suzann Madeley Team Ronald McDonald House
October 7 11th Street Clean Up Fred White is contact.

Loot Boot:
Suzann Madeley thanked Carleton Turner for bringing the projector even though our speaker had not arrived. Carleton Turner thanked Suzann Madeley for reminding him to bring the projector. Becky Young asked that we remember Representative Linda Dawson who passed away. She was able to give flowers to a young boy’s funeral from those donated to her. The family was not able to purchase flowers. Ben Ford gave to the loot boot for relatives leaving. Chris Currens went to St. David’s rehab to visit with Frank Beynon and he is doing well. Fred White encouraged all to attend the Memory Walk on September. So far Phyllis Sharp, Fred White, and David Uribe are going. Carleton Turner encouraged those who were not going to donate to the team. Phyllis Sharp thanked everyone for their kind words last week. She also acknowledged the past presidents Camille Miller, Ben Ford and Richard Fatheree in the spirit of our club’s fourth anniversary. Lawrene Taylor noted that Camille Miller and Karen Rima had made a combined donation of $250. David Uribe wanted us to recognize Bob Hunter one of our founding members on our anniversary.

Club Business:
Carleton Turner reported that at the board meeting yesterday dues policy was discussed. Dues are due June 1. May 1 the secretary will send out a written statement. June 15 members who have not responded will be contacted by a board member. At that time members who would like to make arrangements to pay may put in writing their request to the board. Carleton Turner said that membership retention was our priority. This will be voted on at the next board meeting. He encouraged input. David Uribe commented that this a way to formalize our policy. June 30 roster count is the basis for Rotary International accounting.
Ben Ford and his team served a Cat Fish dinner to Ronald McDonald House folks. Suzann Madeley will head up October and Phyllis Sharp November. Suzann Madeley asked for volunteers to help her.

Membership director Suzann Madeley introduced our new member Alex San Martin.
Speaker Rupert Issacson author of Healing Lands spoke to us about the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. He has been working to return the Bushmen back to their native land. Over time they have been killed or moved to resettlements. One area at a time he and his team are puttung people back on their land. At one time Bushmen were hunted much like sport. It was not until 1948 that killing Bushmen was illegal. It has been a battle of hunter gatherers verses farmers. This group of people carry the blueprint of humanity. "Eve" the woman who had DNA common to all races was discovered here. The people have ochre skin color and slightly slanted eyes. They have incredible skill in healing and live until their nineties. They have proved themselves great mediators by the very fact they have existed hundreds of thousands of years living in small groups . Thank you Suzann for bring such an interesting speaker to our club. More information purchase his book or rupertisaacson@hotmail.com

Phyllis Sharp

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